EWB Project

During semester 2 last year, all engineering students at Ulster University took part in the Engineers Without Borders Design challenge which was based in Peru. More specifically, we had been asked to focus on two Coastal communities in the Piura region called Lobitos and Piedritas. I chose to be in the transportation group as I was most interested in helping the residents of Lobitos and Piedritas have a new form of transportation that was efficient and environmentally friendly. For the challenge, each group had to produce a report which contained their research, detailed their design process and their final solution. Attached below is my groups report if you wish to have a look through it.

My group was made up of a mixture of mechanical and biomedical engineering students. In the group I took the leadership role, helping my team members break each task into smaller roles so that everyone was doing their share of the workload. Our report was made up of research, design specification, concepts, final solution and an implementation plan. Below are the concepts that I created.

We eventually ended up with a final solution, deciding on the hybrid tuk tuk idea. I was tasked with drawing and creating a CAD model of the final solution. I used a program called KeyShot to render the final CAD model, so it could be used in the report.

The EWB project taught me important lessons in teamwork, time management, leadership and it improved my overall CAD skills.